Sessions and Performances are Cancelled
The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious threat to our SPUKES community. Most if us fall into the ‘high risk’ category one way or another. Your health and well-being is of prime concern to us.
Our Saturday and Monday sessions are cancelled until we get an all clear from the appropriate authorities. We’ve also cancelled all community performances for the time being.
It’s sad that we have to do this, but we have no misgivings about making the right decisions for everybody’s safety.
Keeping in Touch
We’ll keep you updated through the website, our Facebook page, and by email. Make sure you’re on the mailing list. If in doubt just fill out the form on our website home page titled “Stay in touch with our newsletter”.
Such a sad decision but so understandable.
Hopefully we can all get back to our fun times together
Thinking of you all.
Yes so sad with this virus’ lurking around every corner.
Thanks for the news and please stay in touch with me.
Stay safe and well.
Jane Morris
Keep playing and enjoying your music; keep uking!
See you all on the other side of the pandemic.
Mary Ryan
Love your site , congratulations to you both
Take care until we can play together again.