Mumbles Stumbles and Fumbles
Outtakes from episode 1 of the SPUKES Show
Naturally things don’t always go according to plan. In our case we never really have a plan. We set up the camera and kept it rolling . Then we just sent everything we had recorded over to Trevor Nolan, and hoped he could put something together which made us at least look like we knew what we are doing. He definitely did that.
Trevor did keep some of the mumbles, stumbles and fumbles. So, David Feather, as per your request, here are some of the least embarrassing moments.
We’ve always been able to laugh at ourselves, and hope you get a chuckle or two as well.
Loved the bloopers -hilarious! Otherwise we loved the 1st Spukes show with all the banter between you guys plus the info the ukekele sites which we found very helpful.
Tony and i are just submitting a few songs to Yamala every few weeks plus as you already know (Karen and Alan) are learning how to play the didgeridoo on Skype.
We are really looking forward to your 2nd show. 🤗
Thanks for sharing the bloopers. It is really great to be able to laugh at yourself and at the same time give others a bit of a giggle. I really liked the hawkelele website and got a lot of inspiration from the strumming lesson.I need to revisit it again though. Otherwise I have joined the Harmony Singers for weekly sessions via zoom.They are recruiting new members☺️Meantime we look forward to the next episode🤗
You two crack me up with your goings on. The love for each other comes through loud & clear.
Keep up the good work, bloopers and all 💗💙